About Us

IIT Bombay's Sustainability Cell stands as a beacon for sustainable innovations, uniting research, teachings, and technology for a better tomorrow. Our mission is to elevate sustainability awareness, integrate advanced technologies, and foster collaborations across our vibrant community. From circular economy and climate change to food security and societal values, we're dedicated to realizing the Sustainable Development Goals both within and beyond our campus boundaries. As pioneers in India's academic landscape, we pledge unwavering commitment to fostering sustainable development for generations to come.

Work Domains

Sustainability cell's leadership team, together with faculty, students in collaboration with Hostel Affairs and Technical affairs, assist IIT Bombay administration with achieving the set of challenging goals for energy use, local foods purchasing, recycling they have set for the campus. Sustainability cell enables the campus to embrace sustainability principles and practices. Explore the ways sustainability cell is fostering change in the campus and country.

Areas of

We aim to make the campus a testbed for pilot projects involving professors and students. Create a platform in the institute for discussion and debates regarding various sustainability issues on and off-campus. We encourage cross-campus cooperation among various sustainability-focused organizations and strengthen relationships between the academic and policymaking communities. IIT Bombay teachers, students, and staff are empowered to shape, implement and continually improve sustainability at IIT Bombay and outside via our leadership.

Scale of Impact

Past and current efforts on campus during the four years, we've run several projects relating to waterless urinals, net-zero meals, water conservation system designs, Bot-machinery to clean solar panels, installing motion sensors for partial lighting, installing perforation machines, organizing lectures.

Airathon Mumbai 2022

Collaborating with the Institute Technical Council and sponsored by Fitizen India, we conducted a Pan India competition from September 18th to October 23rd to enhance Mumbai's air quality. With two tracks—Technical and Campaign—participants showcased innovative strategies and awareness campaigns. Boasting a total prize pool of INR 60,000, the competition received 150+ submissions, making it Asia's largest and the world's second-largest air quality competition.

ESG workshop

Conducted an enlightening workshop on 'People, Planet, and Profits' by Captain Tapas Majumdar, aimed at raising awareness about the emerging ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) corporate sector. The workshop drew participation from 80+ enthusiastic students from the institute, fostering a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness between business, sustainability, and societal well-being.

Half Marathon in IITB

At the IITB Half Marathon on October 30th, #BreatheBetterMumbai took center stage, driving awareness on air pollution. Emphasizing sustainability, we partnered with a certified recycling organization for plastic bottle recycling and utilized waste cycle cardboard boxes to convey powerful air pollution messages. The event featured inspiring displays of winning projects from Airathon Mumbai, reflecting our collective strides towards a cleaner, healthier Mumbai.

Sustainability Cell Orientation

Conducted an event (clubbed with the Green Cup Launch) to introduce Sustainability Cell to the students of IIT Bombay. Emphasis was given to raising awareness about why such a club is imperative to the future of the institute, how it functions and how one can be a part of it. An animated movie was screened to show people the negative impact humans have had on the planet. Interactive games and events were conducted to create an engaging atmosphere, and low-maintenance succulent plants were given out as prizes.


Waste Data Display Boards in Mess

Waste Display boards have been successfully integrated into every hostel, providing a transparent view of daily food wastage. By regularly calibrating and showcasing these figures, residents are actively engaged in understanding and reducing their environmental footprint. This initiative stands as a testament to our commitment to creating awareness and fostering a culture of responsible waste management.

Tree Plantation

Teamed up with Team Shunya for a collaborative tree-plantation initiative, uniting sustainability-focused groups from institutes across India. Our joint effort, held on Independence Day 2022, aimed at fostering environmental consciousness and contributing to a greener future. Together, we planted the seeds of positive change.

Swacchta Pakhwada 2023

Assisted in the execution of the Swachhta Pakhwada observed by the Government of India from September 16 to September 30 with the aim of mobilizing the citizens of India to maintain high standards of cleanliness in their homes, places of work and public spaces. The event was observed across all hostels in the institute and the hostels' efforts along with their effectiveness were documented and reported by the Sustainability Cell qualitatively and quantitatively.

Bin segregation project

The Sustainability Cell in association with the Hostel Affairs Council, IIT Bombay have launched the waste bin segregation initiative in the institute. This initiative promotes environmental sustainability by facilitating the efficient disposal and recycling of waste materials, reducing the overall carbon footprint of the campus. This practice enhances resource conservation, as separated waste streams can be processed more effectively, diverting recyclable materials away from landfills.

Carbon Footprinting

We are working with Professors Vikram Vishal (Earth Science) and Arnab Dutta (Chemistry) to gather information and perform a thorough carbon footprint assessment of the IIT Bombay campus in order to benchmark the institute's development and create suggestions for enhancing our carbon performance. The emission breakup is :- 95% from Scope 2, 4.4% from Scope 1 and 0.6% from Scope 3.

IITB Half Marathon

At the IITB Half Marathon on October 30th, #BreatheBetterMumbai took center stage, driving awareness on air pollution. Emphasizing sustainability, we partnered with a certified recycling organization for plastic bottle recycling and utilized waste cycle cardboard boxes to convey powerful air pollution messages. The event featured inspiring displays of winning projects from Airathon Mumbai, reflecting our collective strides towards a cleaner, healthier Mumbai.

Green Cup Launch

Conducted an event in collaboration with the HA Council to announce the official launch of the Green Cup. Students from all hostels attended and the need, benefits, procedures and scoring index of the Green Cup was explained. This created awareness at a large-scale to formally kick off the Green Cup in November. There were 100+ attendees at the event.

Policy Work

ISR (Institute Sustainability Report) for the year 2022-2023

We are in the final stages of completing and launching India’s first Institute Sustainability Report, with data up till September 2023.


Bisleri Knowledge Partnership

The association is dedicated to educating housekeeping staff, students, and teaching staff on responsible plastic usage and recycling. This involves sensitizing individuals about proper plastic disposal, ensuring regular collection for recycling, and maintaining a yearly database of plastic collection on campus. The collaboration with Bisleri signifies a commitment to sustainability, with a focus on raising awareness and fostering a sense of responsibility among participants and students for future environmental conservation.
As part of this initiative, the association has actively supported Bisleri in promoting awareness, emphasizing the importance of recycling, reducing, and reusing plastic materials. They have showcased examples of transformed plastic into environmentally responsible products, providing a hands-on understanding of the recycling process. This collective effort aims to make a positive impact on their mission to promote sustainability and responsible environmental practices.

Team Members

"Discover the dynamic members at the helm of our Sustainability Cell. Each individual exemplifies a unique blend of passion, expertise, and vision, tirelessly working towards a shared objective: shaping a sustainable future for all. Their leadership is not just about guiding, but also inspiring others."

Aryaman Mihir Seth

Overall Coordinator

+91 95574 44254

Pratham Kapure

General Secretary, Hostel Affairs

+91 77098 40007

Vikash Swami

Institute Secretary Hostel Affairs

+91 88821 67908

Aayushman Sinha

Policies & Projects Manager

+91 83178 28304

Himank Gupta

Policies & Projects Manager

+91 98867 71001

Shreyash Gupta

Policies & Projects Manager

+91 78965 68575

Lavanya Kosuri

Public Relations, Outreach & Design (PROD) Manager

+91 94946 32588

Harshini Sreeram

Public Relations, Outreach & Design (PROD) Manager

+91 96066 26062

Siddharth Stephen

Public Relations, Outreach & Design (PROD) Manager

+91 95627 34784

Anushika Poddar

Events Manager

+91 90297 57016

Shreyansh Chandra

Operations Manager

+91 99692 15083

Atharv Tambade

Events and Operations Manager

+91 86692 07877