Alumni Talk, Sustainable communications & sensing

Feb. 11, 2024, 2 p.m. to Feb. 11, 2024, 3:30 p.m.
Get ready to experience some fascinating technological advancements and industrial research around the globe! For the alumni talk, we have Agrim Gupta, Ph.D Candidate at WCSNG Lab UC San Diego all the way from California with his amazing insights. He is an alumnus from Electrical engineering from the batch of 2019. His research focuses on Wireless systems and Sensing. Join the MS Teams Channel to attend the talk Platform: MS Teams code - 6ebq5ku The talk aims to cover the following key points: Join us to explore this amazing field of Sustainable Wireless Communications and Sensing!

Conducted by:


  1. Tech@IITB
  2. ERC
  3. Alumni Talk, Sustainable communications & sensing
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