Hindi Word Games GC

Sept. 27, 2022, 9 p.m. to Sept. 28, 2022, midnight
LH 101
मेरी लिखी हर बात को कोई समझ नहीं पाता क्योंकि मैं एहसास लिखता हूं और लोग अल्फाज पढ़ते हैं Do you like to solve word games which tease your sense of vocabulary as well as literature? Does playing with the words tickle your brain and excite you? Then you are in for a treat! Get ready for the Inter Hostel General Championship of Hindi Word Games on coming Tuesday, 27th September. Reach out to your Hostel Cult Cos to register and for assistance in forming a team. Event: Hindi Word Games GC Date/Time: 27th September, Tuesday, 9pm Venue: LH101

Conducted by:

  1. Culturals@IITB
  2. Hindi Word Games GC
  1. Culturals@IITB
  2. Vaani
  3. Hindi Word Games GC
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