IIT Bombay Scrabble Open

Sept. 30, 2023, 8 a.m. to Oct. 1, 2023, 8 p.m.
New Yoga Room, SAC
Hey, hey, people! Prepare for the biggest Scrabble event you’ve ever seen: Literati presents the IIT Bombay Scrabble Open! A WESPA–certified, International Scrabble tournament where players compete in two days of intense scrabbling! The tournament will be held on the 30th of September and the 1st of October. Registration is open for all students, staff and alumni of IIT Bombay, so make sure to use this golden opportunity to compete with top players from all over the world! Contact Kanishk Malkan to register or for any enquiries - 9930372311 So get ready, sharpen your words, and let loose. May the best player win!

Conducted by:

  1. Culturals@IITB
  2. IIT Bombay Scrabble Open
  1. Culturals@IITB
  2. Literati
  3. IIT Bombay Scrabble Open
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