Quizzing 101

Oct. 10, 2023, 8:30 p.m. to Oct. 10, 2023, 10:30 p.m.
Greetings to all the quizzing enthusiasts and non-fans alike! Feeling intimidated by meter-long questions or trying out quizzing for the first time? Want to tackle sets made some big names or just quizzing for the vibes? Get a taste of college-quizzing at Quizzing 101, a crash course at breaking down questions and connecting the dots to reach the answer! The session will be taken by Ojaswi Jain and Sandeepan Naskar, two of our most experienced quizzers, who have been a part of the Inter IIT Contingent last year and have been to a number of quiz events! We'll see you on 10th October, 8:30 PM at IC-1, SJMSOM! For any queries, contact Kanishk Malkan at 9930372311

Conducted by:

  1. Culturals@IITB
  2. Quizzing 101
  1. Culturals@IITB
  2. Literati
  3. Quizzing 101
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