The Therapeutic Power of Community Dogs

March 19, 2024, 7 p.m. to March 19, 2024, 8:30 p.m.
The Student Wellness Centre (SWC)@IITB recognizes the vital importance of initiating conversations surrounding Mental Health among students and professionals from different fields. With this aim in mind, we are delighted to extend an invitation to you for "Vartalap: Let's Discuss" - a series of engaging discussions centered around unraveling the complexities of Mental Health and the intricacies of the human mind. As part of this series, the SWC team is excited to announce a talk featuring Pawsitive Synergies and DogAAT pet therapy mental health centres The session's details are as follows: Topic: Unleashing Wellness: The Therapeutic Power of Community Dogs Date:19th March 2024, Tuesday Time: 7.00 p.m. Duration: 1 hour (inclusive of Q&A session) Venue: Open space behind P. C Saxena Hall During this event, the expert will delve into: 1)Bio-physiological benefits 2)Improved Mental health 3)Companionship Wellness 4)Empathy development

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