WeSpeak Club Orientation

Aug. 22, 2023, 5:30 p.m. to Aug. 22, 2023, 6:30 p.m.
LH 301
We are excited to invite you to the our club orientation, where we show you everything we do at WeSpeak, the English speaking arts club of IIT Bombay. Debating is the art of persuasion, to convince people of your stance through logical arguments, not by shouting people down. It requires you to come up with persuasive speeches with barely any preparation and to be able to think on your feet to come up with responses. If you're waiting for the opportunity to improve your public speaking and interact with some incredible debaters that our soc has produced, this is your chance. You'll get to see what we as a soc do as we show you the many events we conduct including India's biggest debate tournament and share our experience traveling across the world and winning debates. Make sure to stay for the showcase debate where 4 of our most accomplished seniors will debate on a motion you choose!

Conducted by:


  1. Culturals@IITB
  2. We Speak
  3. WeSpeak Club Orientation
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