Aerospace Engineering


Aerospace engineering is the primary field of engineering concerned with the development of aircraft and spacecraft (Duh!). What basically happens is we mainly work rigorously to make our aircraft go up, and (more importantly) come down safely. This requires a thorough study of many engineering field like Aerodynamics (Your lifts, thrusts, drags), Fluid Mechanics (Because it's an ‘air’craft), Propulsion (The powerhouse), Structures (Wings face stresses, just like you.) and the Controls of the System, and how they need to work in utmost harmony to achieve our application to the fullest. So join us for various fun activities (we have sessions on making paper planes, now who doesn't love that), talks from our esteemed professors, who have had faced real world challenges, and would like to enlighten you with their plethora of experiences, and discussions by students who have taken strides in their area of research.



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