Electrical Engineering


The Department of Electrical Engineering is one of the oldest in IIT Bombay. Though there are only two specializations available for UG students through a Dual Degree, the Department has a total of 5 Research Groups/Concentrations - Communications and Signal Processing (EE1), Control and Computing (EE2), Power Electronics and Power System (EE3), Microelectronics (EE4), Electric Systems (EE5). Every Professor in the department comes under one group or the other. A UG student in this Department will dabble a little with the basics of Electrical Power Systems in their first semester and with some basic electronics in their second semester. From the second year, he/she will be immersed in Electrical Engineering in full swing dealing with the physics behind electrical systems like MOSFETs, BJTs...etc. You will also learn techniques to analyze complex electrical networks. In your fourth semester, you will learn how one can build/design complex digital systems (and by the of the semester you will build one). You will learn techniques to analyze and design analog systems. But the actual fun part comes in your 3rd year when you will be studying how one can build Microprocessors and other chips used in devices. You will go in detail about how communication systems work and the theory behind it and in this year you will also take a controls course which is an important course for anyone interested in pursuing robotics in their future. Some of the Cutting Edge Research Fields in Electrical Engineering include: 1) Control Systems and Robotics 2) Computer Vision 3) Machine Learning 4) Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) 5) Bio-Electronics



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  2. EE
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