Research Promotion Wing of IIT Bombay

EnPoWER (Engineering-Oriented Promotion of Work Experience and Research), the institute's research wing, is dedicated to bringing research opportunities closer to undergraduate students with the mission of fostering research within the student community. Our primary goal is to enhance the involvement of IIT Bombay's UG students in the research and development of engineering-based solutions to industry problems. This is achieved by providing them with opportunities, recognition, and increasing awareness. We organize workshops, sessions, research conferences, and various in-house resources tailored for careers in research-related fields.


Nov. 2, 2023, 8:30 p.m. to Nov. 3, 2023, 10 p.m. - Curious Community Freshers’ Challenge Website


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Academic Coordinator

Institute Secretary of Academic Affairs

  1. UGAC
  2. EnPower
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