International Relations Office

Exchange and more!

The role of the Office of the Dean for International Relations is to oversee and coordinate all international activities of IIT Bombay, including: To promote relationships between foreign universities and institutions and IIT Bombay (IITB), and to help define the scope of such relationships through appropriate Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs). This involves, but is not limited to, interfacing with the appropriate authorities at the collaborating institutions on all matters defined in the scope of the MoUs, establishing and fostering linkages between researchers and experts in various areas, creating awareness about all such MoUs amongst the departments/centres/schools and students of IITB to ensure their full participation in envisaged programmes, etc. To promote exchange programmes for students through Student Exchange Agreements with partner institutions. Students are encouraged to participate in course work and/or research work in partner institutions thus giving them international exposure and the opportunity to imbibe and learn from global work cultures. To interface with other internal entities to facilitate the visits of delegations and students coming to IITB. To co-ordinate with Dean, Academic Programmes and Dean, Students Affairs in deciding policy matters affecting both outbound and inbound students participating in Exchange programmes. To interface with the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Ministry of External Affairs, and Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India, and State Government Offices on all matters pertaining to internationalization efforts of IITB. To interface with embassies and consulates of various countries to increase educational and cultural linkages between organizations in the foreign countries and the Institute. To arrange and administer foreign language courses for students and staff of IITB. To facilitate and promote the internationalization of IIT Bombay by setting up academic ventures in collaboration with global institutions and facilitate newer models of collaborations. To partner with other Universities in India to enhance collaborative research. Dean (International Relations)



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Institute Secretary of International Relations

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  2. IR
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