Student Satellite Program

IIT Bombay Student Satellite Program

IITBSSP is an initiative taken up by the students to build a centre of excellence in Space Science and Technology at IITB. The first satellite Pratham, under this project, was launched onboard the PSLV-C35 on 26th September 2016. The satellite's payload was to generate data on the total electron count in the atmosphere, used for applications like GPS correction. After launching Pratham, the team now works on designing space systems for CubeSats. With this objective Antenna Deployment System and Star Tracker based Attitude Determination System are being developed. They are aimed to be tested on the Orbital Platform of stage 4 of PSLV. The team is also part of the Great Lunar Expedition for Everyone which is a global initiative led by the Space Grants of the University of Colorado. Ham radio club of the institute also functions under IITBSSP where we conduct amateur radio club activities.



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System Engineer

  1. Tech@IITB
  2. SatLab
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