The Humanoid Project

Humanoid Robot Technical Team

The Humanoid Project is a project undertaken by students of IITB, aiming to develop a social humanoid bot to help people with their daily tasks and ease their lives. The "human-like" aspect gives it a friendly and approachable appearance, making it easier for users to interact with it. This is an exciting area of scientific research and is used to study human behavior through interaction with people and to mimic human tasks and are developed by top robotic manufacturing companies for various purposes. The team wishes to proceed further and achieve the physical hardware realization and perform on field testing of the various software algorithms developed at the earliest. With this aim to serve society, the team strives to join the league of IITs developing an optimized and ready to deploy social humanoid robot and participate in robotics and humanoid competitions around the world.


Oct. 13, 2023, 10:30 p.m. to Oct. 13, 2023, 11:15 p.m. LC 202


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Project Lead

  1. Tech@IITB
  2. The Humanoid Project
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