English Language Improvement Training

After two overwhelming editions of ELIT (Summer and Autumn), we're back to help you go about your English learning aspirations with the ELIT Spring Edition. The English Language Improvement Training (ELIT) Programme aims at helping students who want to work on their English language skills. This programme does not just help you in improving your proficiency in English language but also helps bridge the gaps in your academic/social life which may have arisen due to low proficiency in the language. The programme is open to both UGs and PGs. If you wish to be a part of this programme as a student, please fill this or check out the poster attached with the email! form: https://goo.gl/forms/6MrrlUtvdNDXJV4n1 Please note that there is absolutely no pre-requisite for this programme, except some zeal to learn!



Part of



  1. SMP
  2. ELP
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