Student Mentorship Programme

About SMP The Student Mentor Programme (SMP) is a programme within the IIT Bombay student community, with the primary objectives of: The programme achieves these objectives primarily through the Institute Student Mentorship Programme (ISMP) and the Department Academic Mentorship Programme (D-AMP). SMP also aims to assist students seeking help in learning English (at all levels) through the ELIT Programme, and assists in student welfare and mentor training through the CTO Cabinet. For New Entrants You will be joining IIT Bombay in a few weeks/days, depending on when you read this, and we hope you are looking forward to it. As you spend these days preparing for this new life, there are bound to be lots of questions in your mind. Many of you might already know a few seniors and would have gotten your queries resolved, while others may not have contacts. To address all your queries, whether academic or otherwise, the Student Mentor Programme has set up its website. We have addressed almost all the important questions in this website, but it might not cover them all - this is what your ISMP Mentors will be for! For Sophomores The Department Academic Mentorship Programme (D-AMP), under the aegis of the Student Mentorship Programme (SMP) identifies and selects senior student mentors from each department. Each UG Department's D-AMP is led by 1-2 D-AMP Coordinators, who are carefully selected through a rigorous process to ensure their sensitivity and passion towards mentorship and academics. The primary aim is to provide a support system within the department to help students with academic and personal problems. The program also aims to assist weak students to clear their backlogs and get their academic careers back on track.


Jan. 28, 2024, 5 p.m. to Jan. 28, 2024, 7 p.m. LT 206
Oct. 22, 2023, 11:53 a.m. to Oct. 22, 2023, 11:53 a.m. Lecture Hall Complex - 1 & 2
June 24, 2023, 5:04 p.m. to July 9, 2023, 5:04 p.m.


Part of


Overall Coordinator

Cabinet Head - ELP

Cabinet Head - CTO

Web Nominee

DAMP Coordinator

  1. SMP
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