Post Graduate Academic Council

PG academic council is an official student body. It acts as an interface between the Institute policy makers and the PG students for academic affairs. The major role of the council is to address the concerns of the PG students regarding their academics and research. It was constituted in 2009. Headed by General Secretary of Academic Affairs (PG), the council consists of a group of nominated Masters and PhD students and has gradually evolved into a council with separate Masters and PhD wing. Both the wings have their own representatives from each department/school/centre known as “Academic Unit Representative for Academic Affairs” (AURAA). AURAAs act as resource person for their departments, helping the council to pool in and develop consensus over issues at their respective departments. AURAAs act as the nodes of PG council to connect with the PG students; and co-ordinate with the Executive members, Institute Doctoral/Masters representatives and General Secretary (Academic Affairs), who represent the students in the Postgraduate Programmes Committee (PGPC) and Institute Senate. We welcome you to become a part of the PG Academic Council which will provide you a platform to work together for the benefit of a healthy student/research community.



Part of


General Secretary Academic Affairs

Institute Secretary Academic Affairs (Masters)

Institute Secretary Academic Affairs (Doctoral)

Institute Secretary International Relations (PG)

Academic Council Coordinator (ACC)

Academic Unit Representative for Academic Affairs

Web, Design & Media Nominees

Executive Members

  1. PGAC
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